Our Services

Explore our comprehensive range of mental health services tailored to your needs.

Our services

Comprehensive Mental Health Solutions With Empowered Psychiatry and Wellnesss

At Empowered Psychiatry and Wellness, we offer a comprehensive range of mental health services to address various needs and conditions. Our services include psychiatric evaluation, psychotherapy, medication management, Genesight testing, and ADHD/ADD testing. With a focus on personalized care and evidence-based practices, our team of licensed professionals is committed to providing support and guidance tailored to each individual. Whether you’re seeking therapy for anxiety, medication management for depression, or testing for ADHD, we’re here to help you on your journey to better mental health. Schedule an appointment today and take the first step towards holistic wellness with Empowered Psychiatry and Wellness.

Our Services

Holistic Mental Health and Wellness Solutions

Psychiatric Evaluation

Receive a thorough psychiatric evaluation to understand your mental health needs and develop personalized treatment plans. Our compassionate approach ensures holistic care tailored to your unique circumstances.


Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing through personalized psychotherapy sessions. Our compassionate therapists provide holistic care, tailored to your individual needs, fostering mental wellness.

Medication Management

Personalized Treatment Solutions. Access comprehensive medication management tailored to your unique needs, ensuring effective treatment and ongoing support for your mental health journey.

Laboratory Testing

Comprehensive Health Analysis. Access thorough laboratory testing for comprehensive insights into your health, guiding personalized treatment strategies.

ADHD/ADD Testing

Receive thorough testing and evaluation for ADHD/ADD, guiding personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. Comprehensive Assessment.

Genesight Testing

 Personalized Mental Health Insights. Unlock tailored mental health insights through Genesight testing, guiding targeted treatment approaches for optimal well-being.

Pricing Plan

Friendly Pricing Plans Tailored Just for You

Discover our budget-friendly pricing plans designed to make mental wellness services accessible to everyone. Benefit from competitive rates without compromising on the quality of care you deserve.

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Initial Evaluation

/ Session

Follow-up Appointments

/ Session

Individual Therapy

/ Session
Pricing Plan

Friendly Pricing Plans Tailored Just for You

Discover our budget-friendly pricing plans designed to make mental wellness services accessible to everyone. Benefit from competitive rates without compromising on the quality of care you deserve.

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Group Therapy

/ Session
Feature included:

Child Therapy

/ Session
Feature included:
Years of experience
Common Questions

Have a Questions? Find its answer in our FAQ.

We specialize in treating various conditions including anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, and more.

Your treatment approach depends on factors like symptoms and preferences, assessed during your evaluation.

We accept a variety of insurance plans and offer self-pay options for uninsured individuals.

Yes, we offer flexible scheduling, including evenings and weekends.

Sessions typically last 45-60 minutes, frequency varies based on your needs.

If you or your loved one experience persistent symptoms of a mental health condition, such as prolonged sadness, anxiety, mood swings, irritability, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, or difficulty concentrating, it may be a sign that professional evaluation and support are needed.

For those unable to attend in-person appointments, we offer teletherapy or online sessions, providing convenient access to mental health support from the comfort of your own home."

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